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Oct. 29, 2021

37. Tragedy to Indie Publishing: Interview with Emma Rose

37. Tragedy to Indie Publishing: Interview with Emma Rose

Emma G. Rose is an author of YA novels, the founder of Imperative Press Books publishing house, and a freelance content writer. Emma dreamed of being a writer her entire life and is now living that dream. After a family tragedy, Emma used writing to cope

🧠 Stress affects all systems of the body. 00:30

🧚  Gratitude is the quickest way to shift your mood and raise your energy levels. 03:49

😃 Sandee loves surprises. 05:49

😇 Living her dream: Emma wanted to be a writer since she was 10. 06:24

2️⃣ Two things Emma loves to do the most.  07:13

👧 Make your 10-year-old self proud. 08:17

🤩 Emma is an advocate for independent publishing. 08:55

🥺 Trappings of journalism, family tragedy, and living in Japan. 10:18

📕 The novel she decided to put away because it was too scary. 13:21

🌸 Support from her family and the road of book publishing. 14:41

🤓 Trending in book publishing and Emma’s new path. 16:27

👉 The reason why Emma writes stories. 20:04

📚 Emma’s books: Nothing’s Ever Lost and book Near-Life Experience. 22:15

😎 Assembling Ella is the most recent publication. 23:48

💧 Processing tragedy and the grieving process can’t pass over the years, but it changes. 27:37 

🎙️ The Indie Book Talk Podcast and growing indie book universe. 29:37

😷 Paul Bunyan Wears the Facemask anthology is a pandemic charitable project. 31:21

🏫 Emma loves visiting schools and talking to kids. 34:57

👁️ A sneak peek at Emma’s next book. 36:56

💚 Her books are mostly for young adult and new adult audiences. 37:33

Connect with Emma: www.emmagauthor.com and www.imperativepressbooks.com

😃 Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

📖 Sandee’s book: www.sandeesgarlata.com/the-book

👥 www.facebook.com/coachsandeesgarlata

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🖼️ www.instagram.com/coachsandeesgarlata