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Sept. 29, 2023

245. Save Money on Taxes: Expert Tips for Timely Filings and Payments - Albert Corey

245. Save Money on Taxes: Expert Tips for Timely Filings and Payments - Albert Corey

Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Albert Corey. As an accountant who for four decades has filed over 15,000 business returns in over 45 different Industries, most of Albert’s clients received their best...

Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Albert Corey. As an accountant who for four decades has filed over 15,000 business returns in over 45 different Industries, most of Albert’s clients received their best possible tax returns a year by applying basic tax saving principles to grow their revenue. He has written a book and was a keynote speaker on the Small Business Expo Tour and national Syndicated Radio Shows and podcast Guest. The Rock Your Bottom podcast educates business owners on simple and easy ways to grow their business. 

Connect with Albert: http://albertc360.com    

Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com






This is happiness solved with America's happiness. Coach Sandee Sgarlata.

Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining me today. I'm so happy you're here. I'm Sandee Sgarlata. I was born in Virginia Beach and raised in the Baltimore Annapolis area and had very humble and tragic beginnings. And as a result, my life was a hot mess.

Thankfully, 33 years ago, I got my act together. And since that time, I have dedicated my life to serving others and raising awareness that no matter what you've been through, you can choose happiness and live the life of your dreams. Happiness Solved is dedicated to giving you content that is empowering, motivational, inspirational, and, of course, a dose of happiness. It's my way to give back to the world and share other people's stories. This thing called life can be challenging, and my guests share their amazing stories, wisdom, and life lessons that demonstrate anyone can choose happiness.

You see, happiness is a choice, and the choice is yours. Today's episode is amazing, and I am so grateful for you. Thank you for listening and don't forget to leave a review and follow me on social media at coach. Sandee Sgarlata. Enjoy the show.

Albert Coreyorey. Yes. Excited. I just interviewed Misty Kerrigan, and I have to tell you, it's so great to be able to do this live. Oh, yeah.

Especially when we're on calls multiple times a week together. I'm so used to by the way, if you're watching this, I seen her three times a week in a little zoom box, and it even gets crazier because there's more than sometimes I see her with just three. So I get to see her amazing face, but most of the time, it's a huge group session that I see. I just barely get to see her teeth. The box is so small.

There's so many people on it. That's right. So for the audience, if you're not watching this, you're just listening. We are recording this live at the Chicago Marriott Northwest. We are at Bill Walsh's ultimate wealth camp.

It is incredible. Albert just spoke on stage. You have had an amazing career and you have provide such an amazing service to people, but tell everybody your backstory, what you do. So my backstory was my parents had a small business motels in the Miami area, and as a Lebanese kid and I was 24, couldn't get a job, so I was working with them. So, I mean, I was always getting I didn't even quote, unquote, getting paid.

I collected all the money I want to buy a know, just go on vacation. The money was on the top, buy whatever I wanted. That's just how the Lebanese families did it. Till one day mom comes up to me, he goes, Albert. Yeah, mom, go get your checkbook.

Why you owe the IRS? I go, huh? Who. Yeah. Yeah.

You got to give money to the huh. Well, that put me on a mission. It's so funny three days later, I saw an ad at H and R Block to go take the class, and that was 147,000 returns ago. Wow. All because my mom told me how you could be just one moment in your life can change everything.

And that was the moment wow. That you decided, well, because that's kind of what you do with your clients. That's how you make your clients really happy yes. Is you help them so that they're saving money on their taxes. But in 1984, I didn't know anything.

But what I'm trying to get at just that one moment in life changed everything. Yeah. You say 1984, and I think, wow, I graduated from high school in 83. I'm like, oh, my gosh. That's, like, 40 years ago.

Thank you for that. Thank you. I'm 63. I walk by my high school every day. Old is when you go by the high school and you realize it's been, like, 40 something years yeah.

Since I graduated in 78. How's that for being old? Bag. You're just a young child yes. I guess, compared to your yeah.

Yes. All right. Well, it still is, like, eye opening when you realize, oh, my goodness. So did you say you've done 147,000 tax returns? Oh, yeah.

That's just, like, mind boggling. In one office? In one office. And how many do you process every year? This year did as of June 1, maybe the last time I checked, we did 3800.

Wow. That's a lot. Yeah. Okay, so I want to talk about how you can save people money on their taxes, but a lot of what I talk about on this podcast with entrepreneurs is to be able to give those golden nuggets to other people, because what you're doing, it's incredibly stressful. Not really.

And that's what I want. I want you to give your perspective on that and how people can because for most people doing a tax return, you're just sweating bullets. Right. And now you're preparing them, and your clients are counting on you and all of that. So how do you flip that so that it's not a stressful situation for you?

Because you know me long enough. It's just I'm not a stuck up old man. I make him laugh. I'll ask you about your dog, your cat.

Sometimes that could get me into trouble, but I tried. It like you're doing now. I make you feel good. See the rule of success. What?

I will coach any small business owner. It's simple. It's the Lebanese White holiday. Made millions. My dad and his whole generation left their country with a suitcase.

My dad would say, Two pants, three underwears, three socks, and a pair of shoes. And they went all over the world from the village we're from in North Lebanon. And they all became multi million heirs. And these people can't read or write, but they have something that business owners got to have. They have to have determination.

And they got to make people feel good. And those are the keys. I can be any business at any time if you do those two things make people feel good and determination, and Walmart will never be a threat. And to show you what I talk my talk, I'm in an industry that there's a tax office in every other corner. There's TurboTax that advertises millions of dollars, H and R block.

But I kicked their butts. They literally came twice and kicked me out of two stores because I didn't have an exclusive. This was way back in the beginning. Oh, wow. They said I was taking their customers when they're dead.

I'm busy. For the same logic, right? That's the simple. Success. Make you feel good, and they'll always pay you.

They will not leave you. And Misty was just saying on stage and on the podcast, which is I don't know what order these are going to be released, but people buy from people they know, like and trust, right. I mean, I can tell you a story that is I think was, please, please tell. Okay. How making somebody feel good is the way you can make money and become the king of your business.

So here's what happened. I had some customer who came for years.

She said it was a rainy day, April 15. She lived about 30 minutes from the office, had to drive down. So she went to some Pakistani guy with her kid, two year old. The kid starts crying, and the guy says, come back when your kids stop crying. Now, in my office, you can bring listen, people bought pork belly, pigs.

My kids, you can write on my wall, you bring your dog, you bring your cats. I don't care. We love people. It doesn't matter. My kids give you on a ride on my walls.

I don't care. You want to watch Porky Pig or Picky Pig? I mean, I'll put it on on one of my monitors, and you can watch it. I don't care. Yeah, you are very laid back, because I know we've been on our calls, and he's like, in the middle of doing a talk, I was like, oh, sorry, I got to go.

I got a client. But that's the trick. That's how you can beat Walmart. Walmart Kmart. Well, you can beat everybody with that.

Simple, simple. When's the last TurboTax answered your question, yeah. You go to Walmart, they're not going to say. I mean, the only person who says hi to you is the greeter. After that, nobody doesn't say nothing.

I don't yeah, but that's the trick. Love it. Simple trick. Love it. All right, so let's get to what are just a couple of simple things that people can do to save money on their taxes.

Simplest way is to know that's what I talked of a couple of minutes ago is to know the dates. By the way, this works in anything, whether you pay your credit cards or you pay your bills. You got to know the dates. I don't know about you, but it's pretty sad when you got to give Amex $40 because you forgot the date. Why should you have to give?

I mean, you late. You got to pay, don't get me wrong. But if you had paid a little tension and you paid it on time, that's $40 in your pockets. Yes. For nothing.

Do you know many people come to my office that they're just plain stupid? I shouldn't say that. But they open it up themselves, and then they don't know the dates to pay the state fees, or they don't know the dates to do the corporation, the dates from the IRS, and they owe money. Well, that's why you did it yourself. But you save money by knowing the dates instantly, right?

Because if you have a business and you're doing quarterly taxes, if you don't pay them in that quarter on time, you'll get charged fees. But I got one even better. Just make sure you file your tax returns on like it's March 15 for businesses, but there is not nobody in the planet if they're semi business, you'll get your business tax return done on March 15 because these people are so busy doing all the kinds of other stuff, it's not going to get done right. So you're going to pay a late fee for what? So if you would have called our office and say, hey, can you file an extension?

It will be done. And now then you got till September 15, and you'll save money, and the same thing happens. I know you're in Virginia. Same thing happens with when you have to. I mean, the dumbest thing I see in Florida is the corporations are due on May 1, but I tell people you have to pay it by April 20 Eigth.

April 20 Eigth, if you have an LLC, is $135. $138. May 1 is 550. Oh, my gosh. Right?

That's crazy. But you understand it's easiest way. You don't need no accountant. You don't need Einstein theory, a downtown accounting firm, to teach you that. Yeah, that's one of the simplest ways you save money instantly.

Wow. Love it. How can people find you and learn about your services? We came up with a new system. Now, if you go to Albert Corey 360, you see everything.

Albert. And you'll get a free gift there. Oh, what is a free gift? The free gift. As of this recording, it's going to be changed.

We'll have a presentation, but as of this recording, we got a list, a checklist. Soon it's going to just I recorded it up. I didn't change the link because we came here. I mean, I went to Australia and I came here, so I didn't get a chance to change the link to a full presentation. But if you go to Albert Corey 360, you get everything Albert.

Fantastic, Albert. Thank you. So much. Thank you for those words of wisdom to all the listeners. Yeah, check him out.

He's going to save your money for sure. Thank you, thank you. And thank you, everybody that listened today.


I certainly hope that you enjoyed today's interview. Thank you so much for joining me. And as always, I hope that you and your family are healthy and safe and that your lives are filled with peace, joy and happiness. Take care, everyone.