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Sept. 13, 2023

240. Unlocking Financial Success: Harnessing the Power of Your Thoughts for a Wealthy and Happy Life - Jessa Carter

240. Unlocking Financial Success: Harnessing the Power of Your Thoughts for a Wealthy and Happy Life - Jessa Carter

Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Jessa Carter. Jessa Carter, The Peaceful Billionaire, is a top 1% Neuroscience Expert and the Leading Wealth Creation Mentor for entrepreneurs, professionals, and the go-to for...

Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Jessa Carter. Jessa Carter, The Peaceful Billionaire, is a top 1% Neuroscience Expert and the Leading Wealth Creation Mentor for entrepreneurs, professionals, and the go-to for many of the biggest names in the conscious business industry. The challenges and struggles Jessa faced on her own journey to wealth and financial freedom changed the trajectory of her life from a rewarding yet exhausting 10-year career in Neurosurgery into a purpose-driven mission to bring the pinnacle of Neuroscience and Innovation into wealth creation to make financial freedom the norm for everyone. Her most proud achievements are the results her clients attain and who she has become and continues to become on her journey. Jessa is a passionate acclaimed international speaker and has shared the stage with Sharon Lecter, Les Brown, and many other transformational leaders. She is the founder of The Peaceful Billionaire Institute for Wealth Creation and award-winning author of bestseller The Peaceful Millionaire and author of the upcoming books The Peaceful Multi-Millionaire and The Peaceful Billionaire.

Connect with Jessa: https://www.thepeacefulbillionaire.com/  

Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com






This is happiness solved with America's happiness. Coach Sandee Sgarlata.

Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining me today. I'm so happy you're here. I'm Sandee Sgarlata. I was born in Virginia Beach and raised in the Baltimore Annapolis area and had very humble and tragic beginnings. And as a result, my life was a hot mess.

Thankfully, 33 years ago, I got my act together, and since that time, I have dedicated my life to serving others and raising awareness that no matter what you've been through, you can choose happiness and live the life of your dreams. Happiness Solved is dedicated to giving you content that is empowering, motivational, inspirational, and of course, a dose of happiness. It's my way to give back to the world and share other people's stories. This thing called life can be challenging, and my guests share their amazing stories, wisdom, and life lessons that demonstrate anyone can choose happiness. You see, happiness is a choice, and the choice is yours.

Today's episode is amazing and I am so grateful for you. Thank you for listening and don't forget to leave a review and follow me on social media at Coach Sandee Sgarlata. Enjoy the show.

Jessaa Carter. So excited. Hello, beautiful. Oh, my gosh. So we are here live at the Chicago Marriott Northwest at the Power Team International alternate wealth camp.

And Jessa and I have known each other for almost two years now. I think I think we first did an IG live together, been wanting to have you on my podcast. And we did a call not that long ago, and you're like, I need to get on your podcast. I'm like, I'm not recording for a while, so you're literally on my spreadsheet to schedule. And then I realize you're here.

I'm like, you know what, girl? We're going to do this live. That's right. Which is even better. Even better.

That's how business works. Yeah, because it's so great because I'm always across the country from everybody. We're just doing it on a zoom call. And it's great. It's perfect.

But this is so much better. It's so much better in person is always so much better. Joe Rogan, here I come. Watch out. I love this live podcasting.

I just don't think I could talk for 3 hours like he does. Oh, you totally could. Yeah, I probably could. I could definitely talk for 3 hours. I probably could.

I'd have to have a glass of wine sitting here with me. I mean, there's a niche for that. Yeah, I'm sure there is. There's a niche for that. There's plenty of people that would love to join your podcast live and have their own glass of wine.

There you go. Yeah, you'd have to name it something. Different now, for me, it's not wine. It's sparkling water with grapefruit oil. Nice.

Yeah, I'd like that too. And a wine glass. That's awesome. So I just got to hear Jessaica speak on stage and she talked about her Peaceful Billionaire program. And I'm glad I got to hear the story about that because I didn't quite know how you got to that point.

But here's her book. The peaceful millionaire. So, first of all, I want to hear your backstory because we're going to talk about this. We're going to talk about your peaceful billionaire, your program that you've launched, and you've got all sorts of programs that sound just absolutely delightful. But first I want to hear your backstory.

How did you get to where you are today? Because you've got a very interesting background from neurosurgery to now you're the peaceful billionaire. Let's hear about that. Yeah, from neurosurgery to mind and money surgery. No scalpels or anesthesia required.

Love it. No scalpels or anesthesia required. It's much safer. Yeah, for sure. Much safer.

I mean, the backstory is I came from very humble, very humble beginnings. Tina, I had you pegged for, like, a trust fund baby living in Manhattan. Really? Yeah. See, because you come across with this air, and I was and and here's an example, because people, I'm human just like everybody else.

We all make these preconceived, but you're just beautiful. You've got the glasses, you've got the whole librarian, sexy girl look. I'm like, yeah, she's probably whatever. It doesn't mean I still love you. It doesn't matter whether.

I wouldn't be mad about it. No judgment. But I was born in southwest Virginia in a very rural area in Appalachian Mountains. Literally the population now, where's that near? It's near the Tri Cities, bristol, Kingsport, Johnson City is like the biggest thing that anybody because, you know, I'm in Northern Virginia.

You know, I'm in Northern Virginia. Yeah. I'm west of DC. I'm in Leesburg. Oh, leesburg virginia.

That's so funny. I went to high school in yeah. I'm from I live in Leesburg, Virginia. Yeah. And what's very interesting is the poverty rate for that area where I was born is still, like, it's still so high.

Interesting. But my mom moved us to Florida when I was eleven, and my mom's, Jam, was she just knew that I was smart and she wanted me to give me a better life than she had. It was actually a stent of childhood seizures that originally sparked my interest in the brain. Oh, wow. Did you have epilepsy?

Not epilepsy, it was just childhood seizures. I outgrew them. Okay. I outgrew them. But I was on medicine for many years and then I outgrew them, thankfully.

But that was what started my fascination with the mind originally. And so then when it came to medicine, I went into medicine because I truly wanted to help people, and as most people do when you go into medicine. Sure, of course.

When it came to deciding what was I going to do in medicine, I knew I wanted to do surgery because when I did my clinical rotations, I got to be in the operating room and I was like, oh, my God, this is the coolest thing ever. And see, I would be the one passing out. I'm a very tangible, hands on person. I like things that are very tangible and hands on. So that, for me, was, like, the coolest possible thing ever.

That was the route that I got, because I was like, do orthopedics joints. I'm like, no, that's not really my jam. That doesn't excite me. Cardiothoracic surgery. Do the heart.

Because you're not a doctor. So in what way did you I was a physician assistant. Physician assistant. Certified. Okay.

That's what the pac is. Okay? So that's the next best thing. Next best thing. We do 80% to 90% of what the doctors do.

Write prescriptions, and I was in the operating room with the surgeons. I've personally drilled holes in people's heads. Wow. Okay. Yeah.

That's a pretty big freaking deal to be a physician's assistant, for sure. Neurosurgery, that is not for the light of heart. Not for the light of heart whatsoever.

Ten years in neurosurgery, and I had a significant other that passed away early in my career. Only a year in, and for a long time, I just dove into work. I focused on work, and that was all I did. After he passed away, for a very long time, for, like, five, six years, that's all I did was work 60 to 80 hours a week. And finally, I just woke up one day, and I was like, just a living this isn't life.

This isn't living, right? So losing him taught me. It taught me that life was too short. And then for five years, I forgot. I forgot about it.

Well, because sometimes that's like a cooking. Sometimes you just deal with things the best way, you know how.

It wasn't the worst thing in the world you could be doing. But no, I mean, I did. I threw myself into work, and there were definitely worse things to do, for sure. For sure, after something like that. But then I ended up at an event.

I decided that I wanted to be better with money, and I ended up at an event called the Millionaire Minds Intensive. And when I was at that event, I was sitting in the audience, and plain as day, that voice just source god, spirit, universe, whatever you want to refer to as that voice when you sometimes just feel very called or guided to do something. But it was so crystal clear. I had never quite experienced it like that, and it was so crystal clear. Jessaa, you're supposed to be on that stage.

And it was so clear that I literally looked around. I'm, like, said that to me. Who's saying this? And I was just like me. Are you sure?

Because I'm telling you, I was not the girl. I was not the girl that wanted to be on the stage in the limelight. So for me to be seen and be heard and be able to share my story, share my journey, share my gifts. I did a lot of work. I did a lot of work to get here.

Well, it takes work. Like I always say. I say this almost every interview. In order to grow, it's like my famous quote, people can probably recite it with me. In order to grow, you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

Yes. And I talk about that quite a bit. Quite a bit. In my book. I dive into all kinds of fun things in the book.

Fear of failure, fear of success. And that ultimately what I learned about that, because I had fear of both. And what I learned is what that actually is. Is it's the fear of uncertainty and it's the fear of the unknown. And that's ultimately what you're afraid of.

Yes. And unfortunately, society and the media has put such pressure you're so programmed to fear uncertainty and the unknown. Right. So there's such a need for being in control of everything. Yes.

And I was a huge control freak for a very long time, for most of my life. My mother's the same know, apple doesn't fall.

And so for me to end up in a place where my life and my work has required so much faith, so much faith. So there's that saying, fake it till you make it, and I say, don't do that. You don't have to fake anything. Okay. You fake it until you make it.

Yes. I like that. It's so much a more positive way to say it. And it carries a higher vibrational frequency as well. Absolutely.

And that's really what it takes. That's what it takes. Because initially, you might not have that faith in yourself, but if you at least have faith in something bigger than yourself right, then that will still pull you forward. Yes.

There has to be a faith and a belief in things that are not tangible, that you can't see, but you know that they're still there, still there working for you. And that was one of the biggest, most challenging parts on my journey, was deepening that faith. Because there's no way, no way I would have gotten where I am today without it. Yeah, because it's part of that alignment and getting in that alignment between your head and your heart and that feeling and that strength that's there, but you don't know you can't put your finger on it. Well, and that's what I learned, too, right.

Because having a background in neurosurgery and being someone who was a control freak, I was like the ultimate in your head person. And for a long time, for most of my life, I was very closed off emotionally, and so I was very disconnected from the heart. So everything was head. Everything was head. It's a little bit cliche that I do mind work, but part of the mind work that I do is getting beyond the confinements of your conscious mind and into what's beyond that.

Because once you get beyond the confinements of your conscious mind, which is your thinking or your thinking logical brain, once you get beyond that, then you have access to your heart and soul's intelligence. You have access to infinite intelligence. You have access to things that are just your thinking brain has such a primal, innate nature to keep you safe. But that same primal nature that is meant to keep you safe keeps you stuck. Yes.

So you have to get beyond it. So I understand why that is, because it's part of our DNA. But can you just explain that to people who aren't familiar with that whole concept and break it down and like you're talking to a fifth grader. Well, the most simple way and there's a little bit more to it, which I won't go too deep into, but the simplest way is thoughts become things. Yes.

The simplest way to break it down is that is thoughts become things. And so what you're thinking is important because what people don't realize about thinking is that that's communication. That's communication. Even if you're not saying the things you're thinking out loud, that's still a form of communication. Yes.

And I haven't heard anybody explain it that way, and I love that. Yes. So that's what's really tricky about it. Right. So you think that because you don't say it out loud, that it's okay to say certain things to yourself.

Right. And so most people will talk to themselves in a way that they would never, ever talk to someone else. Never ever.

Right. So that's the most simple thing that you have to understand, is that your thoughts are as powerful as spoken communication, and that that's still communication. So when you're thinking with your conscious, logical thinking mind, right, you're speaking to your subconscious mind.

And so that's where change really has to happen, is because it's actually the subconscious mind that's creating your reality, that's creating the external environment that you're experiencing and how you experience it. But it's highly, highly influenced by your conscious, logical thinking brain, which is telling. The subconscious how to think and behave when we beat the crap out of ourselves yeah. Which is usually that you can't do it. I can't do this.

Why would I even bother trying that? Oh, this is happening again. All of those little that dialogue that we are reinforcing and all we're doing is we'reinforcing that negativity. Yeah. So what happens is then it becomes the negative thought patterns become a negative, self fulfilling prophecy right, of things that you don't want to have.

And so that's why it's so important to really understand that that thought again, even though it's not spoken, that that's still communication because your subconscious mind cannot reject, it can only receive. So this thinking brain, your thinking brain can reject things. Your thinking brain has to step in and be the referee. So when you have those negative thoughts. You have to train your thinking brain to be the referee so that when the negative things come in, that you actually realize that you're in the driver's seat, that you're in charge of how long you entertain those negative thoughts and give them time and energy, because energy flows where focus goes.

So when you're putting your focus or time or energy into those negative thought patterns, they're expanding. You're creating more of the same. So if you don't ever cross that bridge to the opposite possibility of the positive of whatever negative thought you're thinking, whether it might be I'm not enough. Well, what's the opposite of I'm not enough? I am enough.

Right? And when you think about probability, you have to think about that statistically, it's possible that both of those thoughts are true, right? Either of course possible, right? It's possible that you're not enough, but it's also possible that you are enough, right? And even though you might not feel like it, if you start to choose with your conscious mind to believe that you are enough, and you keep telling your subconscious mind that you are enough, eventually, eventually your subconscious mind starts to believe it too, because your subconscious mind doesn't actually know the difference between what's real and what's not.

Exactly. And that's the big thing that people don't recognize. And why is it that they reach a certain point in their life and it's just that definition of insanity, just doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? And they don't recognize that this thinking is really having a huge impact on how they show up in the world, how everybody else treats them as well. Well, that's the power, right?

And so I just spoke about that a little bit in my talk, right? The power of the mind and the. Value of the mind, right. So I speak about the mind in terms of being a $27 billion asset. Yes.

So you already own a $27 billion asset, and it's fueled by 27 billion power. So when you're thinking those things, right, that don't support where you want to go, that's how much power you're putting behind those thoughts of what you don't want. And when I heard you say that and then you had the visual up on the board, your slides, and you see that and you're like, whoa.

And I'm just going to speak for the United States because this is where I am. But when you look at the United States and how there's just so many people that I'm sorry, I love all of you, I love humanity, but there's so many people that are just not cutting it. And the way they think, the way they show up, the way the anger, just all of that stuff. Well, and the thing is just kind. Of sad that they're wasting that power that you have in your brain.

It's a lot of power that's just being wasted away. Well, and the thing is, they just don't know. It's true. They just don't know.

What I've really learned on my journey, one of the most powerful things that I've learned is everyone is doing the absolute best that they can with the tools that they have at the time. That's right. Right. And so the difference becomes is some people just get more you're gaining tools along the way. Right.

But society doesn't teach you to be in charge or in control. Right. Society as a whole programs you to follow. Follow the herd, follow what's everybody else doing. Right.

Do what everybody else is doing.

Part of my work. When you think about the event, right. When you think about the peaceful billionaire intensive money on your terms. Money on your terms. Right.

Because everybody thinks that money is on somebody else's terms. Yeah. Money's on your terms. Money's on your terms. I didn't ask the question today, but one of the things I often ask when I speak is, how rich can you be?

As rich as you want to be. As rich as you choose to be, or as rich as your current level of contentment, right.

You have to choose. But then what gets in the way, right? What gets in the way of you having the financial success that you're capable of?

It's this, right? It's that six inches of real estate between your ears that you don't know. Right. That you've gone your whole life not knowing was worth $27 billion and that you've gone your whole life not knowing that it was being powered by with 27 billion power. You just didn't know.

Yeah. You just didn't know. And that's not your fault, right. That's not your fault.

Yeah, I know. All right. Wow. You unpacked a lot just now. And so where can people learn about your peaceful billionaire course?

Okay, tell us about that first, and then you've got two more books that are going to be coming out. I do.

The Peaceful Bullion there intensive is coming up July 27 through 29th, and that's a three day virtual intensive. Now, will you be holding that any. Other time this year? I will. Okay.

It's okay, because this may not be up by then. Okay. But that's okay. Yeah. So we'll put your website in the show notes, and people can check your website for updates, because I'm sure you'll be doing this event.

Yeah, I will be doing the event again. So yeah. We can put that out there for people so they can find the link and go and learn more. And when you know you have those dates, just let me know and I'll make sure when the family of this and everything okay. Yeah.

Because it's a really extraordinary I signed up.

I signed up because you're my friend and I want to support you, and I love taking any course that helps my relationship with money and the way I perceive money and the way I think money perceives me, quite frankly. I think it's a two way street. It really is because I've had this relationship that I'm still working on it. Is it's a relationship? Yeah.

And that's something that I speak a bit more into at the event when you're doing a talk from Stage or doing a Master class, when you start to talk about their relationship with money, there's a lot to unpack there. There's a lot to unpack there. So I can't do that in an hour talk. And so the intensive you get to spend three days with me and it's 6 hours a day. And it really is an intensive.

And it's extremely interactive and experiential because the transformation happens through you being engaged and taking steps and taking actions towards the future financial life of your choosing. Right. So you have to take an active role in that process. It wouldn't do you any good to sit there for three days and listen to me talk. Right?

Well, not that you wouldn't gain a lot of wisdom, of course, but one of the things that I always say is and you'll really appreciate and love this, right? So we live in a day and age today where people are literally drowning in information and starving for deep meaningful connection and for transformation. Right? And so the thing about information is information without integration and implementation is going to stay simply that it's going to stay information. And information is great.

Right. But the old saying knowledge is power is not true. Right? It's applied knowledge. Applied knowledge is power.

You can know a whole lot of things, but if you're not doing anything with the things that you know, then that knowledge is not really being utilized. It's just there. Yeah. Collecting dust. Yeah, essentially.

Collecting dust. Yeah. So where can people find you and just go ahead and shout out your website and do you have an opt in or anything like that? You want to so there's a lot of things that are being reworked now, but I do have an opt in. One of the opt ins that I have is the design your peaceful billionaire life workbook.

And the website is thepeacefulbillionaire.com perfect, thepeacefulbillionaire.com awesome. Yeah. So they can go to the website and get your free workbook. And I have a free Master class too, so they can also check that out. Fantastic.

Those are cool things to check out and get to know me a little bit better. Yeah. Awesome. Any last words? You mentioned the upcoming books, right?

Oh, yes. Your book The Peaceful Millionaire is out. The peaceful multimillionaire is underway. It's in the works. It'll probably be out first thing next year.

Kind of like a new year, right? At the end of this year new year's. And then the book after that will be The Peaceful Billionaire. I love it. I love the progression.

The trilogy. The trilogy. And that happened when I was writing the first book that happened when I was writing the first book. So I actually wrote the first book in two weeks, which most people find to be very baffling. It's a lot of work.

And the thing is, I wanted to write a book for three years, and it took such a long time for me to get to that place within myself where I had the courage, where I had the courage. And then once I did it, I was like, oh, my God, I should have done this aon ago. It was the best thing ever. It's hard. That first book is so hard.

And even, like, my first book was a novel, which was a whole nother level of scariness because it's a novel. Like, it's fiction. And then I put out a nonfiction book, and that's just as scary because it's like, okay. It's like you're opening up a wound and hoping nobody throws salt in it and you're vulnerable.

I share different bits and pieces of my story throughout the book. I've had so many people who've read it, they love the flow of the book because they're like, every time my mind went somewhere, you would catch me. You would catch me. That was really cool. And then some people have shared that.

They cried, but everybody really loves it. So I did definitely pour my heart and soul into it. And I'm excited. I'm so excited to be writing the second one, that it's in the works, and I can't wait to do the next one. But I'm so grateful for the impact that this has had.

I mean, I've had friends, people that I've known for 20 years, one girl who was, like, literally my best friend in middle school that I had lost contact with, that my mom crossed paths with, and I was like, oh, mom, here, give her a signed copy of my book. And she reached out to me and she was just like, this is so amazing. She was like, I was looking for this, and I'm working on this stuff. And she was like, It's so crazy that I know you, and I went to school with you, and it's the best thing. And then one of my friends, it was like, the book of the month for her book club.

Oh, that's great. And they were reading it, so it's such an incredible thing when you hear the impact that your message and that your story and that your work is really having in people's. No, there's no substitution for that. Amazing. Well, Jessaa, I'm so grateful that we got to do this live.

So much better. So much better. We have to do it again. This is so fun. We could do a talk show.

We could just hang out for sure, because we had a great time when we did our instagram live, so, yeah, more to come. Audience, thank you so much. And thank you, everyone, for listening today.

Wow, I certainly hope that you enjoyed today's interview. Thank you so much for joining me. And as always, I hope that you and your family are healthy and safe and that your lives are filled with peace, joy and happiness. Take care, everyone.